Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Excel Week 4

     Spreadsheet is and interesting program but I don't think I would use it much in my class. I think I would rather much use the Inspiration software to get my my graphs and maps. Don't get me wrong it is a great way to keep organized, and keep track of your students grades with the assignments and grades made on the assignment. While also helping you keep  track of what you sell and how much, in the case  of having a fund raiser. You could use the columns to name the items and its prices, then use the  rows to write down the name of the purchaser and how items he bought. So it could be a useful program but I really don't think I would use it much other then what I mention here.

     We use spreadsheets in our class room to keep organized and keep records of our students grades example the grade book. We simply write in the assignment in the cells beginning the columns, then in the first cells beginning the rows we put the students name and then whatever grade they make for whatever assignment we put in the grade in the row and column that it goes in. This is a huge advantage over a calculator because you can easily add up the average with just typing in a formula instead of having to go and punch in the grades into the calculator and coming up the with average. Plus if you want to see your students progress over each six weeks you could make a graph over it and see if the student has improved or not improved.

 The three primary functions of a spreadsheet is to store, calculate, and present information. This pretty much covers what a spreadsheat does. By storing you keep records of assingments and keep them organized, by calculating you find the average out of your students grades or for whatever other purpose you want to use it, and by presenting it you use the graphs to present the work of whatever it is you want to present.

Jonassen, D., Howland, J., Marra, R. M., & Crismond, D. (2008). Meaningful Learning With Technology. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.


  1. I agree with you Salvador about not using excel much in your classroom. As a P.E. teacher, the only things that I might use excel for is for attendance and averaging out student's grades. Excel does have a huge advantage over a calculator because it averages out calculations much quicker than a calculator. You never know when you might need to use excel so it is good that you are learning about it.

  2. Salvador, I completely agree with you. I would much rather use the Inspiration allows for greater creativity. In an English setting I would probably use excel for record keeping,i.e.grades, etc.
