Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thanksgiving week

     Teacher are designers all the time they have to come up with ideas and design how their lesson plans and their days are going to go. They come up with steps and examples and then present and show students how to do the work. When there is trouble with the plan or not quiet understood by the students the teacher has to design and come up with other steps and other ways of doing the work so that it will try to help the student understand because not all students think and learn the same way.
     As a Spanish teacher I would use Stop Motion software in my classroom. The Stop Motion is a software where designers create their own animated movies and time lapse recordings. I could give me students a project in which they had to collect information over a certain topic for example the Mexican Independence war. After finding all the information on the revolution they will make a mini movie with details about how the war started and ended and important factors and battles fought during the war, Then they could record their voices and talk for the people in the movies but talking Spanish only. My students would have fun with the project and be learning a little about a Spanish speaking country and practice their Spanish as well.
      Digital story telling where students come up with an idea for a story, they use a camera and film it and then edit it on a computer. This is a great way for students to collaborate and work together on a project while at the same time being creative and critical thinkers. Everybody has a part which means everybody is working the director, actor, videographer, and editor therefore everyone has to think for their part in the story and at the end bring it all together and present it. I could defiantly use this in my classroom I would split my students into groups and tell them to make  a story in Spanish and assign each student a different role in their groups.
     Mathematics is an abstract subject but with the help of a couple of tools it can become real and easier to students. With the help of hand-held graphing calculators, and the software named Tinker Plots math can be more real and easier to students. By using the hand-held graphing calculators students will better understand math contextually, numerically, graphically, and symbolically  and distinguishing the important features of the functioning relationships of math will be easier and understood better. Tinker-Plots is a data visualization software for grades 4-8 that enables students to see different patterns and clusters in statistical data. By using this students learn to reason with data. With data points graphed, students group them into clusters, sort them by amount or sequence, and display them in a seemingly infinite variety of formats making easier to see what the students are actually doing.
     In my opinion I think it really comes down to the person not everyone is the same some people could learn from just watching TV instruction buy me myself I don't think I could learn like that. I have to actually do the work and see what I"m doing to understand it. For example if I had a class class where the teacher taught us through the tv I would have a difficult time trying to learn the material I wouldn't be able to comprehend it and I would probably not do so well in that class. But thats just me so in reaily like i said it really comes down to the person whatching the instruction and whether or not they is a visual learners or not.
Jonassen, D., Howland, J., Marra, R. M., & Crismond, D. (2008). Meaningful Learning With Technology. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.



  1. I agree with your paragraph on tv learning. Everyone learns differently and I believe that there are very few people that actually can learn just visually. I know I would have to do it to learn it.

  2. You are totally right when it comes to learning through television. It is great that you thought about the many different learning styles of all students. Great post!
