Thursday, November 11, 2010

week 11

The 3 simulations that I would use to implie in my classroom are Multimodal Principle, Practice Principle, and Discovering Principle. Multimodal Principle is where-meaing and knowledge are built through various modalities such as images, texts, symbols, interactions, abstract, design, and sound, not just words. This is very helpful because not every student learns the same some are hands on and this is where interactions would help while some are visual so images texts symbols and designs would help them which is why I think the multimodal principle is a good one. Practice Principle is basically what it says learners get lots and lots of practice on the context to where its not boring any more. This principle I think applies to everything not just in the classroom if you practice practice and practice at something eventually your going to get better. Same thing in the classroom and u read read read or write write write eventually reading and writing will get easier and after time and effort it will be easy and not boring anymore. Discovering Principle is where-overt telling is kept to a well thought out minimum allowing ample opportunity for the learner to experiment and make discoveries. This principle really allows students to think, teachers give them a little bit of info so they can get started on the assignment and then the student has to go and research and look up information to discover a solution.
     Its a little tough to think of a simulator that I could use for my Spanish class the best I could think of is using  something like the urban simulation but just have everything in Spanish and in a Spanish speaking country. As for my math class I think lab simulations would be the best use because I would use it to find the angles of buildings. I would set up angles on the simulators and then let them find out the equation to that angel by reverse working the problem.
      In conclusion I think the three principles I chose plus the rest of the principles are great tools to use in the classroom. They are great ways for students to learn while not sticking to the same oh same in classes. Plus the stimulations combined with the pinciples well make teaching funner and more effective because the studens will keep intreged as long as learn is fun and interesting.

Jonassen, David H…[et al.]. (2008). Experimenting with Technology. Meaningful Learning with Technology, pp. 54-55, 3rd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall, Print.

1 comment:

  1. You made some really great points I enjoyed reading your take on this chapter.
